Data Security Policy



Our Company offers solutions in the area of “design, production, sales,ınstallatıon and servıces of ınformatıon technology, telecommunıcatıon devıces and customer relatıns management systems (crm), voıce response systems, smart phone systems, voıce over-ıp solutıons, ıvr systems, hardware and software”.Our company undertakes to protective privacy, integrity and all physical and electronic data assets.  Data and data security requirements will be aligned to our corporate targets.Our company will employ the personnel who are open to change, have professional training and education and are qualified to perform their duties, and will have financing as well as hardware and infrastructure sufficient to enable us to have a competition edge over our competitors.In addition to said infrastructure and personnel, necessary financing will be provided.

Business continuity and emergency plans, data backup procedures, avoidance from virus and hackers, access control systems and data security breach notification will form the building blocks of our basic operations.

Secure access will be ensured to the data of our clients and personnel by mitigating vulnerabilities and threats identified as a result of risk assessments.

Further, we will define our goals through risk assessments and provide resources and conditions required to achieve these goals.

To have this policy in place, we expect our personnel to make conditions of Data Security Management System as a work style. All personnel and certain third parties will undergo necessary trainings with respect to the Data Security Management System.

Feasible conditions in relation with data security and resulting opportunities and requirements will be exploited and these conditions will be improved continuously. Also, the adaptation of our company, our personnel and all related parties to this system will be ensured.

Our Data Security Policy is reviewed and updated by management and departmental executives annually as in the event of significant changes affecting our company in order to ensure its effectiveness and accuracy.

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